Page 204 - of-human-bondage-
P. 204
and neither hat nor cloak. The dressing-table was empty.
Breathing heavily, the Frau Professor ran downstairs to the
Chinaman’s rooms, she had not moved so quickly for twen-
ty years, and Emil called out after her to beware she did not
fall; she did not trouble to knock, but burst in. The rooms
were empty. The luggage had gone, and the door into the
garden, still open, showed how it had been got away. In an
envelope on the table were notes for the money due on the
month’s board and an approximate sum for extras. Groan-
ing, suddenly overcome by her haste, the Frau Professor
sank obesely on to a sofa. There could be no doubt. The pair
had gone off together. Emil remained stolid and unmoved.