Page 279 - of-human-bondage-
P. 279
Yours very sincerely,
Albert Nixon.
The letter was shown to the Vicar, but served only to
increase his obstinacy. He was willing enough that Philip
should take up some other profession, he suggested his fa-
ther’s calling, medicine, but nothing would induce him to
pay an allowance if Philip went to Paris.
‘It’s a mere excuse for self-indulgence and sensuality,’ he
‘I’m interested to hear you blame self-indulgence in oth-
ers,’ retorted Philip acidly.
But by this time an answer had come from Hayward,
giving the name of a hotel where Philip could get a room
for thirty francs a month and enclosing a note of introduc-
tion to the massiere of a school. Philip read the letter to Mrs.
Carey and told her he proposed to start on the first of Sep-
‘But you haven’t got any money?’ she said.
‘I’m going into Tercanbury this afternoon to sell the jew-
He had inherited from his father a gold watch and chain,
two or three rings, some links, and two pins. One of them
was a pearl and might fetch a considerable sum.
‘It’s a very different thing, what a thing’s worth and what
it’ll fetch,’ said Aunt Louisa.
Philip smiled, for this was one of his uncle’s stock phras-
‘I know, but at the worst I think I can get a hundred
pounds on the lot, and that’ll keep me till I’m twenty-one.’
Of Human Bondage