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two pictures, and he thought he could paint as well as Fla-
           nagan. He had worked so hard on the portrait that he could
           not help feeling it must have merit. It was true that when he
            looked at it he felt that there was something wrong, though
           he could not tell what; but when he was away from it his
            spirits went up and he was not dissatisfied. He sent it to the
           Salon and it was refused. He did not mind much, since he
           had done all he could to persuade himself that there was
            little chance that it would be taken, till Flanagan a few days
            later rushed in to tell Lawson and Philip that one of his pic-
           tures  was  accepted.  With  a  blank  face  Philip  offered  his
            congratulations, and Flanagan was so busy congratulating
           himself that he did not catch the note of irony which Phil-
           ip could not prevent from coming into his voice. Lawson,
            quicker-witted, observed it and looked at Philip curiously.
           His own picture was all right, he knew that a day or two be-
           fore, and he was vaguely resentful of Philip’s attitude. But
           he was surprised at the sudden question which Philip put
           him as soon as the American was gone.
              ‘If  you  were  in  my  place  would  you  chuck  the  whole
              ‘What do you mean?’
              ‘I wonder if it’s worth while being a second-rate painter.
           You see, in other things, if you’re a doctor or if you’re in
            business, it doesn’t matter so much if you’re mediocre. You
           make a living and you get along. But what is the good of
           turning out second-rate pictures?’
              Lawson was fond of Philip and, as soon as he thought he
           was seriously distressed by the refusal of his picture, he set

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