Page 49 - the-idiot
P. 49

play to his imagination, and follow the inspiration of his
            genius, but a soldier is only at ease in the guard-room, and
           the pen stops half-way, a slave to discipline. How delightful!
           The first time I met an example of this handwriting, I was
           positively astonished, and where do you think I chanced to
           find it? In Switzerland, of all places! Now that is an ordinary
           English hand. It can hardly be improved, it is so refined and
            exquisite—almost perfection. This is an example of another
            kind, a mixture of styles. The copy was given me by a French
            commercial traveller. It is founded on the English, but the
            downstrokes  are  a  little  blacker,  and  more  marked.  No-
           tice that the oval has some slight modification—it is more
           rounded. This writing allows for flourishes; now a flourish
           is a dangerous thing! Its use requires such taste, but, if suc-
            cessful, what a distinction it gives to the whole! It results in
            an incomparable type—one to fall in love with!’
              ‘Dear me! How you have gone into all the refinements
            and details of the question! Why, my dear fellow, you are
           not a caligraphist, you are an artist! Eh, Gania ?’
              ‘Wonderful!’ said Gania. ‘And he knows it too,’ he added,
           with a sarcastic smile.
              ‘You may smile,—but there’s a career in this,’ said the
            general.  ‘You  don’t  know  what  a  great  personage  I  shall
            show this to, prince. Why, you can command a situation
            at thirty-five roubles per month to start with. However, it’s
           half-past  twelve,’  he  concluded,  looking  at  his  watch;  ‘so
           to business, prince, for I must be setting to work and shall
           not see you again today. Sit down a minute. I have told you
           that I cannot receive you myself very often, but I should like

                                                     The Idiot
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