Page 50 - the-idiot
P. 50
to be of some assistance to you, some small assistance, of
a kind that would give you satisfaction. I shall find you a
place in one of the State departments, an easy place—but
you will require to be accurate. Now, as to your plans—in
the house, or rather in the family of Gania here—my young
friend, whom I hope you will know better—his mother and
sister have prepared two or three rooms for lodgers, and
let them to highly recommended young fellows, with board
and attendance. I am sure Nina Alexandrovna will take you
in on my recommendation. There you will be comfortable
and well taken care of; for I do not think, prince, that you
are the sort of man to be left to the mercy of Fate in a town
like Petersburg. Nina Alexandrovna, Gania’s mother, and
Varvara Alexandrovna, are ladies for whom I have the high-
est possible esteem and respect. Nina Alexandrovna is the
wife of General Ardalion Alexandrovitch, my old brother in
arms, with whom, I regret to say, on account of certain cir-
cumstances, I am no longer acquainted. I give you all this
information, prince, in order to make it clear to you that I
am personally recommending you to this family, and that
in so doing, I am more or less taking upon myself to answer
for you. The terms are most reasonable, and I trust that your
salary will very shortly prove amply sufficient for your ex-
penditure. Of course pocket-money is a necessity, if only a
little; do not be angry, prince, if I strongly recommend you
to avoid carrying money in your pocket. But as your purse
is quite empty at the present moment, you must allow me
to press these twenty-five roubles upon your acceptance, as
something to begin with. Of course we will settle this little