Page 580 - women-in-love
P. 580

sometimes out of the window, sometimes closed his eyes.
         Then his eyes opened again, dark as the darkness outside.
            A flash of a few lights on the darkness—Ghent station!
         A few more spectres moving outside on the platform—then
         the bell—then motion again through the level darkness. Ur-
         sula saw a man with a lantern come out of a farm by the
         railway, and cross to the dark farm-buildings. She thought
         of the Marsh, the old, intimate farm-life at Cossethay. My
         God, how far was she projected from her childhood, how far
         was she still to go! In one life-time one travelled through ae-
         ons. The great chasm of memory from her childhood in the
         intimate country surroundings of Cossethay and the Marsh
         Farm—she remembered the servant Tilly, who used to give
         her bread and butter sprinkled with brown sugar, in the old
         living-room where the grandfather clock had two pink ros-
         es in a basket painted above the figures on the face—and
         now when she was travelling into the unknown with Birkin,
         an utter stranger—was so great, that it seemed she had no
         identity, that the child she had been, playing in Cossethay
         churchyard, was a little creature of history, not really her-
            They were at Brussels—half an hour for breakfast. They
         got down. On the great station clock it said six o’clock. They
         had coffee and rolls and honey in the vast desert refresh-
         ment room, so dreary, always so dreary, dirty, so spacious,
         such desolation of space. But she washed her face and hands
         in hot water, and combed her hair—that was a blessing.
            Soon they were in the train again and moving on. The
         greyness of dawn began. There were several people in the

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