Page 598 - women-in-love
P. 598

per-world, so lovely and beyond.
            Gudrun  saw  all  their  loveliness,  she  KNEW  how  im-
         mortally beautiful they were, great pistils of rose-coloured,
         snow-fed fire in the blue twilight of the heaven. She could
         SEE it, she knew it, but she was not of it. She was divorced,
         debarred, a soul shut out.
            With a last look of remorse, she turned away, and was
         doing  her  hair.  He  had  unstrapped  the  luggage,  and  was
         waiting,  watching  her.  She  knew  he  was  watching  her.  It
         made her a little hasty and feverish in her precipitation.
            They went downstairs, both with a strange other-world
         look on their faces, and with a glow in their eyes. They saw
         Birkin and Ursula sitting at the long table in a corner, wait-
         ing for them.
            ‘How  good  and  simple  they  look  together,’  Gudrun
         thought,  jealously.  She  envied  them  some  spontaneity,  a
         childish  sufficiency  to  which  she  herself  could  never  ap-
         proach. They seemed such children to her.
            ‘Such  good  Kranzkuchen!’  cried  Ursula  greedily.  ‘So
            ‘Right,’ said Gudrun. ‘Can we have Kaffee mit Kranz-
         kuchen?’ she added to the waiter.
            And she seated herself on the bench beside Gerald. Bir-
         kin, looking at them, felt a pain of tenderness for them.
            ‘I think the place is really wonderful, Gerald,’ he said;
         ‘prachtvoll and wunderbar and wunderschon and unbes-
         chreiblich and all the other German adjectives.’
            Gerald broke into a slight smile.
            ‘I like it,’ he said.

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