Page 600 - women-in-love
P. 600
ular noise, it decreased it, so that the sound of the zither
seemed tiny, as if a diminutive zither were playing some-
where, and it seemed the piano must be a small one, like a
little spinet.
The host came when the coffee was finished. He was a Ty-
rolese, broad, rather flat-cheeked, with a pale, pock-marked
skin and flourishing moustaches.
‘Would you like to go to the Reunionsaal to be intro-
duced to the other ladies and gentlemen?’ he asked, bending
forward and smiling, showing his large, strong teeth. His
blue eyes went quickly from one to the other—he was not
quite sure of his ground with these English people. He was
unhappy too because he spoke no English and he was not
sure whether to try his French.
‘Shall we go to the Reunionsaal, and be introduced to the
other people?’ repeated Gerald, laughing.
There was a moment’s hesitation.
‘I suppose we’d better—better break the ice,’ said Bir-
The women rose, rather flushed. And the Wirt’s black,
beetle-like, broad-shouldered figure went on ignominiously
in front, towards the noise. He opened the door and ushered
the four strangers into the play-room.
Instantly a silence fell, a slight embarrassment came over
the company. The newcomers had a sense of many blond
faces looking their way. Then, the host was bowing to a
short, energetic-looking man with large moustaches, and
saying in a low voice:
‘Herr Professor, darf ich vorstellen-’
600 Women in Love