Page 628 - women-in-love
P. 628

Already  they  were  rarely  together.  Leitner  ran  attach-
         ing himself to somebody or other, always deferring, Loerke
         was a good deal alone. Out of doors he wore a Westphalian
         cap, a close brown-velvet head with big brown velvet flaps
         down over his ears, so that he looked like a lop-eared rab-
         bit, or a troll. His face was brown-red, with a dry, bright
         skin, that seemed to crinkle with his mobile expressions.
         His eyes were arresting—brown, full, like a rabbit’s, or like
         a troll’s, or like the eyes of a lost being, having a strange,
         dumb, depraved look of knowledge, and a quick spark of
         uncanny fire. Whenever Gudrun had tried to talk to him he
         had shied away unresponsive, looking at her with his watch-
         ful dark eyes, but entering into no relation with her. He had
         made her feel that her slow French and her slower German,
         were hateful to him. As for his own inadequate English, he
         was much too awkward to try it at all. But he understood
         a good deal of what was said, nevertheless. And Gudrun,
         piqued, left him alone.
            This afternoon, however, she came into the lounge as he
         was talking to Ursula. His fine, black hair somehow remind-
         ed her of a bat, thin as it was on his full, sensitive-looking
         head, and worn away at the temples. He sat hunched up,
         as if his spirit were bat-like. And Gudrun could see he was
         making some slow confidence to Ursula, unwilling, a slow,
         grudging, scanty self-revelation. She went and sat by her sis-
            He looked at her, then looked away again, as if he took
         no notice of her. But as a matter of fact, she interested him

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