Page 623 - women-in-love
P. 623

more. You be beautiful, my Gerald, and reckless. There ARE
         perfect moments. Wake up, Gerald, wake up, convince me
         of the perfect moments. Oh, convince me, I need it.
            He opened his eyes, and looked at her. She greeted him
         with a mocking, enigmatic smile in which was a poignant
         gaiety.  Over  his  face  went  the  reflection  of  the  smile,  he
         smiled, too, purely unconsciously.
            That filled her with extraordinary delight, to see the smile
         cross his face, reflected from her face. She remembered that
         was how a baby smiled. It filled her with extraordinary ra-
         diant delight.
            ‘You’ve done it,’ she said.
            ‘What?’ he asked, dazed.
            ‘Convinced me.’
            And she bent down, kissing him passionately, passion-
         ately, so that he was bewildered. He did not ask her of what
         he had convinced her, though he meant to. He was glad she
         was kissing him. She seemed to be feeling for his very heart
         to touch the quick of him. And he wanted her to touch the
         quick of his being, he wanted that most of all.
            Outside,  somebody  was  singing,  in  a  manly,  reckless
         handsome voice:
            ‘Mach mir auf, mach mir auf, du Stolze,
            Mach mir ein Feuer von Holze.
            Vom Regen bin ich nass
            Vom Regen bin ich nass-’
            Gudrun knew that that song would sound through her
         eternity, sung in a manly, reckless, mocking voice. It marked
         one of her supreme moments, the supreme pangs of her ner-

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