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doesn’t. Every woman he comes across he wants to make
         her in love with him. He doesn’t even know that he is do-
         ing it. But there he is, before every woman he unfurls his
         male attractiveness, displays his great desirability, he tries
         to  make  every  woman  think  how  wonderful  it  would  be
         to have him for a lover. His very ignoring of the women is
         part of the game. He is never UNCONSCIOUS of them. He
         should have been a cockerel, so he could strut before fifty
         females, all his subjects. But really, his Don Juan does NOT
         interest me. I could play Dona Juanita a million times better
         than he plays Juan. He bores me, you know. His maleness
         bores me. Nothing is so boring, so inherently stupid and
         stupidly conceited. Really, the fathomless conceit of these
         men, it is ridiculous—the little strutters.
            ‘They are all alike. Look at Birkin. Built out of the limi-
         tation of conceit they are, and nothing else. Really, nothing
         but their ridiculous limitation and intrinsic insignificance
         could make them so conceited.
            ‘As for Loerke, there is a thousand times more in him
         than in a Gerald. Gerald is so limited, there is a dead end
         to him. He would grind on at the old mills forever. And re-
         ally, there is no corn between the millstones any more. They
         grind on and on, when there is nothing to grind—saying
         the same things, believing the same things, acting the same
         things. Oh, my God, it would wear out the patience of a
            ‘I don’t worship Loerke, but at any rate, he is a free in-
         dividual. He is not stiff with conceit of his own maleness.
         He is not grinding dutifully at the old mills. Oh God, when

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