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it. So we will take our bows and shafts and go there to shoot,
           for I know right well that merriment will be a-going. What
            say ye, lads?’
              Then young David of Doncaster spoke up and said, ‘Now
            listen, I pray thee, good master, unto what I say. I have come
            straight from our friend Eadom o’ the Blue Boar, and there I
           heard the full news of this same match. But, master, I know
           from him, and he got it from the Sheriff’s man Ralph o’ the
           Scar, that this same knavish Sheriff hath but laid a trap for
           thee in this shooting match and wishes nothing so much as
           to see thee there. So go not, good master, for I know right
           well he doth seek to beguile thee, but stay within the green-
           wood lest we all meet dole and woe.’
              ‘Now,’  quoth  Robin,  ‘thou  art  a  wise  lad  and  keepest
           thine ears open and thy mouth shut, as becometh a wise
            and crafty woodsman. But shall we let it be said that the
           Sheriff of Nottingham did cow bold Robin Hood and seven-
            score as fair archers as are in all merry England? Nay, good
           David, what thou tellest me maketh me to desire the prize
            even more than I else should do. But what sayeth our good
            gossip Swanthold? Is it not ‘A hasty man burneth his mouth,
            and the fool that keepeth his eyes shut falleth into the pit’?
           Thus he says, truly, therefore we must meet guile with guile.
           Now  some  of  you  clothe  yourselves  as  curtal  friars,  and
            some as rustic peasants, and some as tinkers, or as beggars,
            but see that each man taketh a good bow or broadsword, in
            case need should arise. As for myself, I will shoot for this
            same golden arrow, and should I win it, we will hang it to
           the branches of our good greenwood tree for the joy of all

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