Page 46 - the-merry-adventures-of-robin-hood
P. 46
crowd watched with scarce a breath of sound; but when the
last had shot his arrow another great shout arose, while
many cast their caps aloft for joy of such marvelous shoot-
‘Now by our gracious Lady fair,’ quoth old Sir Amyas
o’ the Dell, who, bowed with fourscore years and more,
sat near the Sheriff, ‘ne’er saw I such archery in all my life
before, yet have I seen the best hands at the longbow for
threescore years and more.’
And now but three men were left of all those that had
shot before. One was Gill o’ the Red Cap, one the tattered
stranger in scarlet, and one Adam o’ the Dell of Tamworth
Town. Then all the people called aloud, some crying, ‘Ho for
Gilbert o’ the Red Cap!’ and some, ‘Hey for stout Adam o’
Tamworth!’ But not a single man in the crowd called upon
the stranger in scarlet.
‘Now, shoot thou well, Gilbert,’ cried the Sheriff, ‘and if
thine be the best shaft, fivescore broad silver pennies will I
give to thee beside the prize.’
‘Truly I will do my best,’ quoth Gilbert right sturdily. ‘A
man cannot do aught but his best, but that will I strive to
do this day.’ So saying, he drew forth a fair smooth arrow
with a broad feather and fitted it deftly to the string, then
drawing his bow with care he sped the shaft. Straight flew
the arrow and lit fairly in the clout, a finger’s-breadth from
the center. ‘A Gilbert, a Gilbert!’ shouted all the crowd; and,
‘Now, by my faith,’ cried the Sheriff, smiting his hands to-
gether, ‘that is a shrewd shot.’
Then the tattered stranger stepped forth, and all the