Page 178 - for-the-term-of-his-natural-life
P. 178

dent willingness to work. He never ceased to hurry and find
       fault  with  him.  He  vowed  that  he  was  lazy,  sulky,  or  im-
       pertinent. It was ‘Rex, come here! Do this! Do that!’ As the
       prisoners declared among themselves, it was evident that
       Mr. Frere had a ‘down’ on the ‘Dandy”. The day before the
       Ladybird sailed, Rex—rejoicing in the hope of speedy de-
       parture—had suffered himself to reply to some more than
       usually galling remark and Mr. Frere had complained to
       Vickers. ‘The fellow’s too ready to get away,’ said he. ‘Let
       him stop for the Osprey, it will be a lesson to him.’ Vick-
       ers assented, and John Rex was informed that he was not to
       sail with the first party. His comrades vowed that this order
       was an act of tyranny; but he himself said nothing. He only
       redoubled his activity, and—despite all his wish to the con-
       trary—Frere was unable to find fault. He even took credit
       to himself for ‘taming’ the convict’s spirit, and pointed out
       Rex—silent and obedient—as a proof of the excellence of
       severe measures. To the convicts, however, who knew John
       Rex better, this silent activity was ominous. He returned
       with the rest, however, on the evening of the 13th, in ap-
       parently cheerful mood. Indeed Mr. Frere, who, wearied by
       the delay, had decided to take the whale-boat in which the
       prisoners had returned, and catch a few fish before dinner,
       observed him laughing with some of the others, and again
       congratulated himself.
         The  time  wore  on.  Darkness  was  closing  in,  and  Mr.
       Bates, walking the deck, kept a look-out for the boat, with
       the intention of weighing anchor and making for the Bar.
       All was secure. Mrs. Vickers and the child were safely below.

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