Page 182 - for-the-term-of-his-natural-life
P. 182
By and by, having eaten of this miraculous provender,
the poor creature began —reckoning by his convict ex-
perience—to understand what had taken place. The coal
workings were abandoned; the new Commandant had
probably other work for his beasts of burden to execute, and
an absconder would be safe here for a few hours at least. But
he must not stay. For him there was no rest. If he thought
to escape, it behoved him to commence his journey at once.
As he contemplated the meat and bread, something like a
ray of hope entered his gloomy soul. Here was provision for
his needs. The food before him represented the rations of
six men. Was it not possible to cross the desert that lay be-
tween him and freedom on such fare? The very supposition
made his heart beat faster. It surely was possible. He must
husband his resources; walk much and eat little; spread out
the food for one day into the food for three. Here was six
men’s food for one day, or one man’s food for six days. He
would live on a third of this, and he would have rations for
eighteen days. Eighteen days! What could he not do in eigh-
teen days? He could walk thirty miles a day— forty miles a
day—that would be six hundred miles and more. Yet stay;
he must not be too sanguine; the road was difficult; the
scrub was in places impenetrable. He would have to make
détours, and turn upon his tracks, to waste precious time.
He would be moderate, and say twenty miles a day. Twenty
miles a day was very easy walking. Taking a piece of stick
from the ground, he made the calculation in the sand. Eigh-
teen days, and twenty miles a day—three hundred and sixty
miles. More than enough to take him to freedom. It could
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