P. 46

The Scarlet Letter

                                  encumbrance on earth, and were hidden away in this
                                  forgotten corner, never more to be glanced at by human
                                  eyes. But then, what reams of other manuscripts—filled,
                                  not with the dulness of official formalities, but with the

                                  thought of inventive brains and the rich effusion of deep
                                  hearts—had gone equally to oblivion; and that, moreover,
                                  without serving a purpose in their day, as these heaped-up
                                  papers had, and—saddest of all—without purchasing for
                                  their writers the comfortable livelihood which the clerks
                                  of the Custom-House had gained by these worthless
                                  scratchings of the pen. Yet  not altogether worthless,
                                  perhaps, as materials of local history. Here, no doubt,
                                  statistics of the former commerce of Salem might be
                                  discovered, and memorials of her princely merchants—old
                                  King Derby—old Billy Gray—old Simon Forrester—and
                                  many another magnate in his day, whose powdered head,
                                  however, was scarcely in the tomb before his mountain
                                  pile of wealth began to dwindle. The founders of the
                                  greater part of the families which now compose the
                                  aristocracy of Salem might here be traced, from the petty
                                  and obscure beginnings of their traffic, at periods generally
                                  much posterior to the Revolution, upward to what their
                                  children look upon as long-established rank,

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