Page 46 - the-brothers-karamazov
P. 46

Alyosha’s heart.
         The arrival of his two brothers, whom he had not known
       till then, seemed to make a great impression on Alyosha.
       He more quickly made friends with his half-brother Dmitri
       (though he arrived later) than with his own brother Ivan.
       He was extremely interested in his brother Ivan, but when
       the latter had been two months in the town, though they
       had met fairly often, they were still not intimate. Alyosha
       was naturally silent, and he seemed to be expecting some-
       thing,  ashamed  about  something,  while  his  brother  Ivan,
       though Alyosha noticed at first that he looked long and cu-
       riously at him, seemed soon to have left off thinking of him.
       Alyosha noticed it with some embarrassment. He ascribed
       his brother’s indifference at first to the disparity of their age
       and education. But he also wondered whether the absence
       of curiosity and sympathy in Ivan might be due to some
       other  cause  entirely  unknown  to  him.  He  kept  fancying
       that Ivan was absorbed in something — something inward
       and important — that he was striving towards some goal,
       perhaps very hard to attain, and that that was why he had
       no thought for him. Alyosha wondered, too, whether there
       was not some contempt on the part of the learned atheist for
       him — a foolish novice. He knew for certain that his brother
       was an atheist. He could not take offence at this contempt, if
       it existed; yet, with an uneasy embarrassment which he did
       not himself understand, he waited for his brother to come
       nearer to him. Dmitri used to speak of Ivan with the deepest
       respect and with a peculiar earnestness. From him Alyo-
       sha learnt all the details of the important affair which had
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