Page 114 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 114

When in Sulaco it was his practice to smoke and doze all
       day long (as though he had no care in the world) on a stone
       bench outside the doorway of the Casa Gould and facing
       the windows of the Avellanos house. Years and years ago
       his  mother  had  been  chief  laundry-woman  in  that  fami-
       ly—very accomplished in the matter of clear-starching. He
       himself had been born on one of their haciendas. His name
       was Bonifacio, and Don Jose, crossing the street about five
       o’clock to call on Dona Emilia, always acknowledged his
       humble salute by some movement of hand or head. The por-
       ters of both houses conversed lazily with him in tones of
       grave intimacy. His evenings he devoted to gambling and
       to calls in a spirit of generous festivity upon the peyne d’oro
       girls in the more remote side-streets of the town. But he, too,
       was a discreet man.

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