Page 188 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 188

costume caused by the anxious lenders, he had assumed a
       disdain of military trappings, an eccentric fashion of shab-
       by old tunics, which had become like a second nature. But
       the faction Barrios joined needed to fear no political betray-
       al. He was too much of a real soldier for the ignoble traffic
       of buying and selling victories. A member of the foreign
       diplomatic body in Sta. Marta had once passed a judgment
       upon him: ‘Barrios is a man of perfect honesty and even
       of some talent for war, mais il manque de tenue.’ After the
       triumph of the Ribierists he had obtained the reputedly lu-
       crative Occidental command, mainly through the exertions
       of his creditors (the Sta. Marta shopkeepers, all great politi-
       cians), who moved heaven and earth in his interest publicly,
       and privately besieged Senor Moraga, the influential agent
       of the San Tome mine, with the exaggerated lamentations
       that  if  the  general  were  passed  over,  ‘We  shall  all  be  ru-
       ined.’ An incidental but favourable mention of his name in
       Mr. Gould senior’s long correspondence with his son had
       something  to  do  with  his  appointment,  too;  but  most  of
       all undoubtedly his established political honesty. No one
       questioned the personal bravery of the Tiger-killer, as the
       populace called him. He was, however, said to be unlucky
       in the field—but this was to be the beginning of an era of
       peace. The soldiers liked him for his humane temper, which
       was like a strange and precious flower unexpectedly bloom-
       ing on the hotbed of corrupt revolutions; and when he rode
       slowly  through  the  streets  during  some  military  display,
       the contemptuous good humour of his solitary eye roaming
       over the crowds extorted the acclamations of the populace.

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