Page 249 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 249

arm, suggesting annihilation; and Mrs. Gould turned away
           her head with a look of horror.
              ‘Why don’t you say all this to my husband?’ she asked,
           without looking at Decoud, who stood watching the effect
            of his words.
              ‘Ah! But Don Carlos is so English,’ he began. Mrs. Gould
              ‘Leave  that  alone,  Don  Martin.  He’s  as  much  a  Costa-
            guanero—No! He’s more of a Costaguanero than yourself.’
              ‘Sentimentalist,  sentimentalist,’  Decoud  almost  cooed,
           in  a  tone  of  gentle  and  soothing  deference.  ‘Sentimental-
           ist, after the amazing manner of your people. I have been
           watching El Rey de Sulaco since I came here on a fool’s er-
           rand, and perhaps impelled by some treason of fate lurking
            behind the unaccountable turns of a man’s life. But I don’t
           matter, I am not a sentimentalist, I cannot endow my per-
            sonal desires with a shining robe of silk and jewels. Life is
           not for me a moral romance derived from the tradition of
            a pretty fairy tale. No, Mrs. Gould; I am practical. I am not
            afraid of my motives. But, pardon me, I have been rather
            carried away. What I wish to say is that I have been observ-
           ing. I won’t tell you what I have discovered—‘
              ‘No. That is unnecessary,’ whispered Mrs. Gould, once
           more averting her head.
              ‘It is. Except one little fact, that your husband does not
            like  me.  It’s  a  small  matter,  which,  in  the  circumstances,
            seems to acquire a perfectly ridiculous importance. Ridic-
           ulous and immense; for, clearly, money is required for my
           plan,’ he reflected; then added, meaningly, ‘and we have two

                                     Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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