Page 251 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 251

bullets may be run. Let it come down to the harbour, ready
           for shipment.
              The next north-going steamer would carry it off for the
           very salvation of the San Tome mine, which had produced
            so much treasure. And, moreover, the rumour was proba-
            bly false, he remarked, with much conviction in his hurried
              ‘Besides, senora,’ concluded Decoud, ‘we may suppress
           it for many days. I have been talking with the telegraphist
           in the middle of the Plaza Mayor; thus I am certain that we
            could not have been overheard. There was not even a bird
           in the air near us. And also let me tell you something more.
           I have been making friends with this man called Nostro-
           mo, the Capataz. We had a conversation this very evening,
           I walking by the side of his horse as he rode slowly out of
           the town just now. He promised me that if a riot took place
           for any reason—even for the most political of reasons, you
           understand—his Cargadores, an important part of the pop-
           ulace, you will admit, should be found on the side of the
              ‘He has promised you that?’ Mrs. Gould inquired, with
           interest. ‘What made him make that promise to you?’
              ‘Upon  my  word,  I  don’t  know,’  declared  Decoud,  in  a
            slightly surprised tone. ‘He certainly promised me that, but
           now you ask me why, I could not tell you his reasons. He
           talked with his usual carelessness, which, if he had been
            anything else but a common sailor, I would call a pose or
            an affectation.’
              Decoud, interrupting himself, looked at Mrs. Gould cu-

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