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slaughtered some of the Railway Company’s cattle without
            asking leave, and went to work broiling the meat on the em-
            bers. Pedrito made many pointed inquiries as to the silver
           mine, and what had become of the product of the last six
           months’ working. He had said peremptorily, ‘Ask your chief
           up there by wire, he ought to know; tell him that Don Pedro
           Montero, Chief of the Campo and Minister of the Interior
            of the new Government, desires to be correctly informed.’
              ‘He had his feet wrapped up in blood-stained rags, a lean,
           haggard  face,  ragged  beard  and  hair,  and  had  walked  in
            limping, with a crooked branch of a tree for a staff. His fol-
            lowers were perhaps in a worse plight, but apparently they
           had not thrown away their arms, and, at any rate, not all
           their ammunition. Their lean faces filled the door and the
           windows of the telegraph hut. As it was at the same time
           the bedroom of the engineer-in-charge there, Montero had
           thrown himself on his clean blankets and lay there shiver-
           ing and dictating requisitions to be transmitted by wire to
           Sulaco. He demanded a train of cars to be sent down at once
           to transport his men up.
              ‘To this I answered from my end,’ the engineer-in-chief
           related to us, ‘that I dared not risk the rolling-stock in the
           interior, as there had been attempts to wreck trains all along
           the line several times. I did that for your sake, Gould,’ said
           the chief engineer. ‘The answer to this was, in the words of
           my subordinate, ‘The filthy brute on my bed said, ‘Suppose
           I were to have you shot?’’ To which my subordinate, who,
           it appears, was himself operating, remarked that it would
           not bring the cars up. Upon that, the other, yawning, said,

                                     Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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