Page 296 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 296

‘We are out in the gulf now,’ said the calm voice of Nos-
       tromo.  A  moment  after  he  added,  ‘Senor  Mitchell  has
       lowered the light.’
         ‘Yes,’ said Decoud; ‘nobody can find us now.’
         A great recrudescence of obscurity embraced the boat.
       The sea in the gulf was as black as the clouds above. Nos-
       tromo, after striking a couple of matches to get a glimpse of
       the boat-compass he had with him in the lighter, steered by
       the feel of the wind on his cheek.
          It was a new experience for Decoud, this mysteriousness
       of the great waters spread out strangely smooth, as if their
       restlessness had been crushed by the weight of that dense
       night. The Placido was sleeping profoundly under its black
         The main thing now for success was to get away from
       the coast and gain the middle of the gulf before day broke.
       The Isabels were somewhere at hand. ‘On your left as you
       look forward, senor,’ said Nostromo, suddenly. When his
       voice ceased, the enormous stillness, without light or sound,
       seemed to affect Decoud’s senses like a powerful drug. He
       didn’t even know at times whether he were asleep or awake.
       Like a man lost in slumber, he heard nothing, he saw noth-
       ing. Even his hand held before his face did not exist for his
       eyes. The change from the agitation, the passions and the
       dangers, from the sights and sounds of the shore, was so
       complete that it would have resembled death had it not been
       for  the  survival  of  his  thoughts.  In  this  foretaste  of  eter-
       nal peace they floated vivid and light, like unearthly clear
       dreams of earthly things that may haunt the souls freed by
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