Page 300 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
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and years to come. And yet, the day before yesterday, we
       have been fighting to save it from the mob, and to-night
       I am sent out with it into this darkness, where there is no
       wind to get away with; as if it were the last lot of silver on
       earth to get bread for the hungry with. Ha! ha! Well, I am
       going to make it the most famous and desperate affair of
       my life—wind or no wind. It shall be talked about when
       the little children are grown up and the grown men are old.
       Aha! the Monterists must not get hold of it, I am told, what-
       ever happens to Nostromo the Capataz; and they shall not
       have it, I tell you, since it has been tied for safety round
       Nostromo’s neck.’
         ‘I  see  it,’  murmured  Decoud.  He  saw,  indeed,  that  his
       companion had his own peculiar view of this enterprise.
          Nostromo  interrupted  his  reflections  upon  the  way
       men’s qualities are made use of, without any fundamental
       knowledge of their nature, by the proposal they should slip
       the long oars out and sweep the lighter in the direction of
       the Isabels. It wouldn’t do for daylight to reveal the trea-
       sure floating within a mile or so of the harbour entrance.
       The  denser  the  darkness  generally,  the  smarter  were  the
       puffs of wind on which he had reckoned to make his way;
       but tonight the gulf, under its poncho of clouds, remained
       breathless, as if dead rather than asleep.
          Don Martin’s soft hands suffered cruelly, tugging at the
       thick handle of the enormous oar. He stuck to it manfully,
       setting his teeth. He, too, was in the toils of an imaginative
       existence, and that strange work of pulling a lighter seemed
       to belong naturally to the inception of a new state, acquired
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