Page 305 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 305

anything it was out of the question. They could not see each
            other. Even the lighter’s sail, which remained set, was invis-
           ible. Very often they rested.
              ‘Caramba!’ said Nostromo, suddenly, during one of those
           intervals when they lolled idly against the heavy handles of
           the sweeps. ‘What is it? Are you distressed, Don Martin?’
              Decoud assured him that he was not distressed in the
            least. Nostromo for a time kept perfectly still, and then in a
           whisper invited Martin to come aft.
              With his lips touching Decoud’s ear he declared his be-
            lief that there was somebody else besides themselves upon
           the lighter. Twice now he had heard the sound of stifled sob-
              ‘Senor,’ he whispered with awed wonder, ‘I am certain
           that there is somebody weeping in this lighter.’
              Decoud had heard nothing. He expressed his incredulity.
           However, it was easy to ascertain the truth of the matter.
              ‘It  is  most  amazing,’  muttered  Nostromo.  ‘Could  any-
            body have concealed himself on board while the lighter was
            lying alongside the wharf?’
              ‘And you say it was like sobbing?’ asked Decoud, lower-
           ing his voice, too. ‘If he is weeping, whoever he is he cannot
            be very dangerous.’
              Clambering over the precious pile in the middle, they
            crouched low on the foreside of the mast and groped under
           the half-deck. Right forward, in the narrowest part, their
           hands came upon the limbs of a man, who remained as si-
            lent as death. Too startled themselves to make a sound, they
            dragged him aft by one arm and the collar of his coat. He

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