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room for fear in this lighter,’ he added through his teeth.
              Decoud had no answer to make. It was not a position for
            argument, for a display of scruples or feelings. There were a
           thousand ways in which a panic-stricken man could make
           himself dangerous. It was evident that Hirsch could not be
            spoken to, reasoned with, or persuaded into a rational line
            of conduct. The story of his own escape demonstrated that
            clearly enough. Decoud thought that it was a thousand pit-
           ies the wretch had not died of fright. Nature, who had made
           him what he was, seemed to have calculated cruelly how
           much he could bear in the way of atrocious anguish with-
            out actually expiring. Some compassion was due to so much
           terror. Decoud, though imaginative enough for sympathy,
           resolved  not  to  interfere  with  any  action  that  Nostromo
           would take. But Nostromo did nothing. And the fate of Se-
           nor Hirsch remained suspended in the darkness of the gulf
            at the mercy of events which could not be foreseen.
              The Capataz, extending his hand, put out the candle sud-
            denly. It was to Decoud as if his companion had destroyed,
            by a single touch, the world of affairs, of loves, of revolu-
           tion, where his complacent superiority analyzed fearlessly
            all motives and all passions, including his own.
              He gasped a little. Decoud was affected by the novelty of
           his position. Intellectually self-confident, he suffered from
            being deprived of the only weapon he could use with effect.
           No intelligence could penetrate the darkness of the Placid
           Gulf. There remained only one thing he was certain of, and
           that was the overweening vanity of his companion. It was
            direct, uncomplicated, naive, and effectual. Decoud, who

            10                       Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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