Page 314 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 314

‘They are trying to make out where they are,’ said De-
       coud in a whisper. Again he leaned over and put his fingers
       into the water. ‘We are moving quite smartly,’ he informed
         ‘We seem to be crossing her bows,’ said the Capataz in a
       cautious tone. ‘But this is a blind game with death. Moving
       on is of no use. We mustn’t be seen or heard.’
          His whisper was hoarse with excitement. Of all his face
       there was nothing visible but a gleam of white eyeballs. His
       fingers gripped Decoud’s shoulder. ‘That is the only way to
       save this treasure from this steamer full of soldiers. Any
       other would have carried lights. But you observe there is
       not a gleam to show us where she is.’
          Decoud  stood  as  if  paralyzed;  only  his  thoughts  were
       wildly active. In the space of a second he remembered the
       desolate glance of Antonia as he left her at the bedside of
       her father in the gloomy house of Avellanos, with shuttered
       windows,  but  all  the  doors  standing  open,  and  deserted
       by all the servants except an old negro at the gate. He re-
       membered the Casa Gould on his last visit, the arguments,
       the tones of his voice, the impenetrable attitude of Charles,
       Mrs.  Gould’s  face  so  blanched  with  anxiety  and  fatigue
       that  her  eyes  seemed  to  have  changed  colour,  appear-
       ing nearly black by contrast. Even whole sentences of the
       proclamation which he meant to make Barrios issue from
       his headquarters at Cayta as soon as he got there passed
       through his mind; the very germ of the new State, the Sepa-
       rationist proclamation which he had tried before he left to
       read hurriedly to Don Jose, stretched out on his bed under

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