Page 319 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 319

famous Capataz. Before the steamer, guided by a shriek or
           two (for there could be no more than that, Nostromo said,
            gnashing  his  teeth  audibly),  could  find  the  lighter  there
           would be plenty of time to sink this treasure tied up round
           his neck.
              The last words he hissed into Decoud’s ear. Decoud said
           nothing.  He  was  perfectly  convinced.  The  usual  charac-
           teristic quietness of the man was gone. It was not equal to
           the situation as he conceived it. Something deeper, some-
           thing unsuspected by everyone, had come to the surface.
           Decoud, with careful movements, slipped off his overcoat
            and divested himself of his boots; he did not consider him-
            self bound in honour to sink with the treasure. His object
           was to get down to Barrios, in Cayta, as the Capataz knew
           very well; and he, too, meant, in his own way, to put into
           that attempt all the desperation of which he was capable.
           Nostromo muttered, ‘True, true! You are a politician, senor.
           Rejoin the army, and start another revolution.’ He pointed
            out, however, that there was a little boat belonging to every
            lighter fit to carry two men, if not more. Theirs was towing
              Of that Decoud had not been aware. Of course, it was too
            dark to see, and it was only when Nostromo put his hand
           upon its painter fastened to a cleat in the stern that he ex-
           perienced a full measure of relief. The prospect of finding
           himself in the water and swimming, overwhelmed by igno-
           rance and darkness, probably in a circle, till he sank from
            exhaustion, was revolting. The barren and cruel futility of
            such  an  end  intimidated  his  affectation  of  careless  pessi-

            1                        Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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