Page 323 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 323

was like a sister to the Englishwoman. He would advance
            one leg and put his arms akimbo, posing for Anzani’s in-
            spection, and fixing him with a haughty stare.
              ‘Look,  miserable  shopkeeper!  How  can  a  man  like  me
           fail with any woman, let alone an emancipated girl living in
            scandalous freedom?’ he seemed to say.
              His manner in the Casa Gould was, of course, very dif-
           ferent—devoid of all truculence, and even slightly mournful.
           Like most of his countrymen, he was carried away by the
            sound of fine words, especially if uttered by himself. He had
           no convictions of any sort upon anything except as to the ir-
           resistible power of his personal advantages. But that was so
           firm that even Decoud’s appearance in Sulaco, and his in-
           timacy with the Goulds and the Avellanos, did not disquiet
           him. On the contrary, he tried to make friends with that
           rich Costaguanero from Europe in the hope of borrowing
            a large sum by-and-by. The only guiding motive of his life
           was to get money for the satisfaction of his expensive tastes,
           which  he  indulged  recklessly,  having  no  self-control.  He
           imagined himself a master of intrigue, but his corruption
           was as simple as an animal instinct. At times, in solitude,
           he had his moments of ferocity, and also on such occasions
            as, for instance, when alone in a room with Anzani trying
           to get a loan.
              He had talked himself into the command of the Esmer-
            alda garrison. That small seaport had its importance as the
            station  of  the  main  submarine  cable  connecting  the  Oc-
            cidental Provinces with the outer world, and the junction
           with it of the Sulaco branch. Don Jose Avellanos proposed

                                     Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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