Page 332 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 332

the  breast  of  Senor  Hirsch,  who  simply  seized  hold  of  it,
       without in the least knowing what it was, but curling his
       arms and legs upon the part above the fluke with an invin-
       cible, unreasonable tenacity. The lighter yawed off wide, and
       the steamer, moving on, carried him away, clinging hard,
       and shouting for help. It was some time, however, after the
       steamer had stopped that his position was discovered. His
       sustained yelping for help seemed to come from somebody
       swimming in the water. At last a couple of men went over
       the bows and hauled him on board. He was carried straight
       off to Sotillo on the bridge. His examination confirmed the
       impression that some craft had been run over and sunk, but
       it was impracticable on such a dark night to look for the pos-
       itive proof of floating wreckage. Sotillo was more anxious
       than ever now to enter the harbour without loss of time; the
       idea that he had destroyed the principal object of his expe-
       dition was too intolerable to be accepted. This feeling made
       the story he had heard appear the more incredible. Senor
       Hirsch, after being beaten a little for telling lies, was thrust
       into the chartroom. But he was beaten only a little. His tale
       had taken the heart out of Sotillo’s Staff, though they all re-
       peated round their chief, ‘Impossible! impossible!’ with the
       exception of the old major, who triumphed gloomily.
         ‘I told you; I told you,’ he mumbled. ‘I could smell some
       treachery, some diableria a league off.’
          Meantime,  the  steamer  had  kept  on  her  way  towards
       Sulaco, where only the truth of that matter could be ascer-
       tained. Decoud and Nostromo heard the loud churning of
       her propeller diminish and die out; and then, with no use-

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