Page 336 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 336

I was in love with. Poor Teresa could never understand that.
       On that particular Sunday, senor, she scolded so that I went
       out of the house swearing that I would never darken their
       door again unless to fetch away my hammock and my chest
       of clothes. Senor, there is nothing more exasperating than
       to hear a woman you respect rail against your good reputa-
       tion when you have not a single brass coin in your pocket. I
       untied one of the small boats and pulled myself out of the
       harbour with nothing but three cigars in my pocket to help
       me spend the day on this island. But the water of this riv-
       ulet you hear under your feet is cool and sweet and good,
       senor, both before and after a smoke.’ He was silent for a
       while, then added reflectively, ‘That was the first Sunday af-
       ter I brought down the white-whiskered English rico all the
       way down the mountains from the Paramo on the top of the
       Entrada Pass—and in the coach, too! No coach had gone up
       or down that mountain road within the memory of man,
       senor, till I brought this one down in charge of fifty peons
       working like one man with ropes, pickaxes, and poles under
       my direction. That was the rich Englishman who, as peo-
       ple say, pays for the making of this railway. He was very
       pleased with me. But my wages were not due till the end of
       the month.’
          He  slid  down  the  bank  suddenly.  Decoud  heard  the
       splash of his feet in the brook and followed his footsteps
       down the ravine. His form was lost among the bushes till
       he had reached the strip of sand under the cliff. As often
       happens in the gulf when the showers during the first part
       of the night had been frequent and heavy, the darkness had
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