Page 339 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 339

its value for ever…. An incorruptible metal,’ he repeated, as
           if the idea had given him a profound pleasure.
              ‘As  some  men  are  said  to  be,’  Decoud  pronounced,  in-
            scrutably, while the Capataz, who busied himself in baling
            out the lighter with a wooden bucket, went on throwing the
           water  over  the  side  with  a  regular  splash.  Decoud,  incor-
           rigible in his scepticism, reflected, not cynically, but with
            general satisfaction, that this man was made incorruptible
            by his enormous vanity, that finest form of egoism which
            can take on the aspect of every virtue.
              Nostromo ceased baling, and, as if struck with a sudden
           thought, dropped the bucket with a clatter into the lighter.
              ‘Have you any message?’ he asked in a lowered voice. ‘Re-
           member, I shall be asked questions.’
              ‘You must find the hopeful words that ought to be spoken
           to the people in town. I trust for that your intelligence and
           your experience, Capataz. You understand?’
              ‘Si, senor…. For the ladies.’
              ‘Yes,  yes,’  said  Decoud,  hastily.  ‘Your  wonderful  repu-
           tation  will  make  them  attach  great  value  to  your  words;
           therefore be careful what you say. I am looking forward,’
           he continued, feeling the fatal touch of contempt for him-
            self to which his complex nature was subject, ‘I am looking
           forward to a glorious and successful ending to my mission.
           Do you hear, Capataz? Use the words glorious and success-
           ful when you speak to the senorita. Your own mission is
            accomplished  gloriously  and  successfully.  You  have  indu-
            bitably saved the silver of the mine. Not only this silver, but
           probably all the silver that shall ever come out of it.’

                                     Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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