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P. 341

guishable from the black water upon which she floated.
              ‘What do you think has become of Hirsch?’ he shouted.
              ‘Knocked  overboard  and  drowned,’  cried  Nostromo’s
           voice  confidently  out  of  the  black  wastes  of  sky  and  sea
            around the islet. ‘Keep close in the ravine, senor. I shall try
           to come out to you in a night or two.’
              A slight swishing rustle showed that Nostromo was set-
           ting the sail. It filled all at once with a sound as of a single
            loud drum-tap. Decoud went back to the ravine. Nostromo,
            at the tiller, looked back from time to time at the vanishing
           mass of the Great Isabel, which, little by little, merged into
           the uniform texture of the night. At last, when he turned
           his head again, he saw nothing but a smooth darkness, like
            a solid wall.
              Then he, too, experienced that feeling of solitude which
           had  weighed  heavily  on  Decoud  after  the  lighter  had
            slipped off the shore. But while the man on the island was
            oppressed by a bizarre sense of unreality affecting the very
            ground upon which he walked, the mind of the Capataz
            of the Cargadores turned alertly to the problem of future
            conduct.  Nostromo’s  faculties,  working  on  parallel  lines,
            enabled him to steer straight, to keep a look-out for Her-
           mosa, near which he had to pass, and to try to imagine what
           would happen tomorrow in Sulaco. To-morrow, or, as a mat-
           ter of fact, to-day, since the dawn was not very far, Sotillo
           would find out in what way the treasure had gone. A gang of
           Cargadores had been employed in loading it into a railway
           truck from the Custom House store-rooms, and running
           the truck on to the wharf. There would be arrests made, and

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