Page 385 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 385


               IRECTLY they were alone, the colonel’s severe official
           Dmanner changed. He rose and approached the doctor.
           His eyes shone with rapacity and hope; he became confi-
            dential. ‘The silver might have been indeed put on board the
            lighter, but it was not conceivable that it should have been
           taken out to sea.’ The doctor, watching every word, nodded
            slightly, smoking with apparent relish the cigar which So-
           tillo had offered him as a sign of his friendly intentions. The
            doctor’s manner of cold detachment from the rest of the
           Europeans led Sotillo on, till, from conjecture to conjecture,
           he arrived at hinting that in his opinion this was a putup
           job on the part of Charles Gould, in order to get hold of that
           immense treasure all to himself. The doctor, observant and
            self-possessed, muttered, ‘He is very capable of that.’
              Here  Captain  Mitchell  exclaimed  with  amazement,
            amusement,  and  indignation,  ‘You  said  that  of  Charles
           Gould!’ Disgust, and even some suspicion, crept into his
           tone, for to him, too, as to other Europeans, there appeared
           to be something dubious about the doctor’s personality.
              ‘What on earth made you say that to this watch-stealing
            scoundrel?’ he asked. ‘What’s the object of an infernal lie of
           that sort? That confounded pick-pocket was quite capable
            of believing you.’
              He snorted. For a time the doctor remained silent in the

                                     Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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