Page 380 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 380

founded fellow get wind of the affair?’ was the first question
       he  asked  directly  after  the  bang,  clatter,  and  flash  of  the
       open door (which was closed again almost before he could
       lift his dropped head) informed him that he had a compan-
       ion of captivity. Dr. Monygham’s voice stopped muttering
       curses in English and Spanish.
         ‘Is that you, Mitchell?’ he made answer, surlily. ‘I struck
       my  forehead  against  this  confounded  wall  with  enough
       force to fell an ox. Where are you?’
          Captain  Mitchell,  accustomed  to  the  darkness,  could
       make out the doctor stretching out his hands blindly.
         ‘I am sitting here on the floor. Don’t fall over my legs,’
       Captain Mitchell’s voice announced with great dignity of
       tone. The doctor, entreated not to walk about in the dark,
       sank down to the ground, too. The two prisoners of Sotillo,
       with their heads nearly touching, began to exchange confi-
         ‘Yes,’ the doctor related in a low tone to Captain Mitch-
       ell’s vehement curiosity, ‘we have been nabbed in old Viola’s
       place. It seems that one of their pickets, commanded by an
       officer, pushed as far as the town gate. They had orders not
       to enter, but to bring along every soul they could find on the
       plain. We had been talking in there with the door open, and
       no doubt they saw the glimmer of our light. They must have
       been making their approaches for some time. The engineer
       laid himself on a bench in a recess by the fire-place, and I
       went upstairs to have a look. I hadn’t heard any sound from
       there for a long time. Old Viola, as soon as he saw me come
       up, lifted his arm for silence. I stole in on tiptoe. By Jove, his
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