Page 463 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 463

droop of beak and claws.
              Long after he had vanished, Nostromo, lifting his eyes
           up to the sky, muttered, ‘I am not dead yet.’
              The Capataz of the Sulaco Cargadores had lived in splen-
            dour and publicity up to the very moment, as it were, when
           he took charge of the lighter containing the treasure of sil-
           ver ingots.
              The last act he had performed in Sulaco was in complete
           harmony with his vanity, and as such perfectly genuine. He
           had given his last dollar to an old woman moaning with the
            grief and fatigue of a dismal search under the arch of the an-
            cient gate. Performed in obscurity and without witnesses, it
           had still the characteristics of splendour and publicity, and
           was in strict keeping with his reputation. But this awaken-
           ing in solitude, except for the watchful vulture, amongst the
           ruins of the fort, had no such characteristics. His first con-
           fused feeling was exactly this—that it was not in keeping.
           It was more like the end of things. The necessity of living
            concealed  somehow,  for  God  knows  how  long,  which  as-
            sailed him on his return to consciousness, made everything
           that had gone before for years appear vain and foolish, like
            a flattering dream come suddenly to an end.
              He  climbed  the  crumbling  slope  of  the  rampart,  and,
           putting aside the bushes, looked upon the harbour. He saw
            a couple of ships at anchor upon the sheet of water reflect-
           ing the last gleams of light, and Sotillo’s steamer moored
           to the jetty. And behind the pale long front of the Custom
           House, there appeared the extent of the town like a grove
            of thick timber on the plain with a gateway in front, and

                                     Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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