Page 59 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 59


               T THAT time Nostromo had been already long enough
           Ain  the  country  to  raise  to  the  highest  pitch  Captain
           Mitchell’s opinion of the extraordinary value of his discov-
            ery.  Clearly  he  was  one  of  those  invaluable  subordinates
           whom to possess is a legitimate cause of boasting. Captain
           Mitchell  plumed  himself  upon  his  eye  for  men—but  he
           was not selfish—and in the innocence of his pride was al-
           ready developing that mania for ‘lending you my Capataz
            de Cargadores’ which was to bring Nostromo into personal
            contact, sooner or later, with every European in Sulaco, as
            a sort of universal factotum—a prodigy of efficiency in his
            own sphere of life.
              ‘The  fellow  is  devoted  to  me,  body  and  soul!’  Captain
           Mitchell was given to affirm; and though nobody, perhaps,
            could have explained why it should be so, it was impossible
            on a survey of their relation to throw doubt on that state-
           ment, unless, indeed, one were a bitter, eccentric character
            like Dr. Monygham—for instance—whose short, hopeless
            laugh  expressed  somehow  an  immense  mistrust  of  man-
            kind.  Not  that  Dr.  Monygham  was  a  prodigal  either  of
            laughter or of words. He was bitterly taciturn when at his
            best. At his worst people feared the open scornfulness of his
           tongue. Only Mrs. Gould could keep his unbelief in men’s
           motives within due bounds; but even to her (on an occasion

                                     Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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