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showed some talent as guerilla chief and had been rewarded
       at the pacification by the post of Military Commandant of
       the capital.
         The  Minister  of  War,  then,  accompanied  the  Dictator.
       The board of the O.S.N. Company, working hand-in-hand
       with the railway people for the good of the Republic, had
       on this important occasion instructed Captain Mitchell to
       put the mail-boat Juno at the disposal of the distinguished
       party.  Don  Vincente,  journeying  south  from  Sta.  Marta,
       had embarked at Cayta, the principal port of Costaguana,
       and came to Sulaco by sea. But the chairman of the rail-
       way company had courageously crossed the mountains in
       a  ramshackle  diligencia,  mainly  for  the  purpose  of  meet-
       ing his engineer-in-chief engaged in the final survey of the
          For  all  the  indifference  of  a  man  of  affairs  to  nature,
       whose hostility can always be overcome by the resources of
       finance, he could not help being impressed by his surround-
       ings during his halt at the surveying camp established at the
       highest point his railway was to reach. He spent the night
       there, arriving just too late to see the last dying glow of sun-
       light upon the snowy flank of Higuerota. Pillared masses
       of black basalt framed like an open portal a portion of the
       white  field  lying  aslant  against  the  west.  In  the  transpar-
       ent air of the high altitudes everything seemed very near,
       steeped  in  a  clear  stillness  as  in  an  imponderable  liquid;
       and with his ear ready to catch the first sound of the ex-
       pected diligencia the engineer-in-chief, at the door of a hut
       of rough stones, had contemplated the changing hues on
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