Page 50 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 50

out-of-the-way place Sulaco is!—and for a harbour, too! As-
         ‘Ah, but we are very proud of it. It used to be historically
       important. The highest ecclesiastical court for two viceroy-
       alties, sat here in the olden time,’ she instructed him with
         ‘I am impressed. I didn’t mean to be disparaging. You
       seem very patriotic.’
         ‘The place is lovable, if only by its situation. Perhaps you
       don’t know what an old resident I am.’
         ‘How old, I wonder,’ he murmured, looking at her with
       a slight smile. Mrs. Gould’s appearance was made youth-
       ful  by  the  mobile  intelligence  of  her  face.  ‘We  can’t  give
       you your ecclesiastical court back again; but you shall have
       more  steamers,  a  railway,  a  telegraph-cable—a  future  in
       the  great  world  which  is  worth  infinitely  more  than  any
       amount of ecclesiastical past. You shall be brought in touch
       with something greater than two viceroyalties. But I had
       no notion that a place on a sea-coast could remain so iso-
       lated from the world. If it had been a thousand miles inland
       now—most remarkable! Has anything ever happened here
       for a hundred years before to-day?’
          While he talked in a slow, humorous tone, she kept her
       little smile. Agreeing ironically, she assured him that cer-
       tainly  not—nothing  ever  happened  in  Sulaco.  Even  the
       revolutions, of which there had been two in her time, had
       respected the repose of the place. Their course ran in the
       more populous southern parts of the Republic, and the great
       valley of Sta. Marta, which was like one great battlefield of
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