Page 47 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 47

times a tiny gold ring in the lobe of the ear, the aristocracy
            of the railway works listened to him, turning away from
           their  cards  or  dominoes.  Here  and  there  a  fair-haired
           Basque studied his  hand meantime,  waiting without pro-
           test. No native of Costaguana intruded there. This was the
           Italian stronghold. Even the Sulaco policemen on a night
           patrol let their horses pace softly by, bending low in the sad-
            dle to glance through the window at the heads in a fog of
            smoke; and the drone of old Giorgio’s declamatory narra-
           tive seemed to sink behind them into the plain. Only now
            and then the assistant of the chief of police, some broad-
           faced, brown little gentleman, with a great deal of Indian
           in him, would put in an appearance. Leaving his man out-
            side with the horses he advanced with a confident, sly smile,
            and without a word up to the long trestle table. He point-
            ed to one of the bottles on the shelf; Giorgio, thrusting his
           pipe into his mouth abruptly, served him in person. Noth-
           ing would be heard but the slight jingle of the spurs. His
            glass emptied, he would take a leisurely, scrutinizing look
            all round the room, go out, and ride away slowly, circling
           towards the town.

                                     Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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