Page 52 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 52

aristocratic old Spanish families, all those Don Ambrosios
       this and Don Fernandos that, who seemed actually to dis-
       like and distrust the coming of the railway over their lands.
       It  had  happened  that  some  of  the  surveying  parties  scat-
       tered all over the province had been warned off with threats
       of  violence.  In  other  cases  outrageous  pretensions  as  to
       price had been raised. But the man of railways prided him-
       self on being equal to every emergency. Since he was met
       by the inimical sentiment of blind conservatism in Sulaco
       he would meet it by sentiment, too, before taking his stand
       on his right alone. The Government was bound to carry out
       its part of the contract with the board of the new railway
       company, even if it had to use force for the purpose. But
       he desired nothing less than an armed disturbance in the
       smooth working of his plans. They were much too vast and
       far-reaching, and too promising to leave a stone unturned;
       and so he imagined to get the President-Dictator over there
       on  a  tour  of  ceremonies  and  speeches,  culminating  in  a
       great function at the turning of the first sod by the harbour
       shore. After all he was their own creature—that Don Vin-
       cente. He was the embodied triumph of the best elements in
       the State. These were facts, and, unless facts meant nothing,
       Sir John argued to himself, such a man’s influence must be
       real, and his personal action would produce the concilia-
       tory effect he required. He had succeeded in arranging the
       trip with the help of a very clever advocate, who was known
       in Sta. Marta as the agent of the Gould silver mine, the big-
       gest thing in Sulaco, and even in the whole Republic. It was
       indeed a fabulously rich mine. Its so-called agent, evidently

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