Page 82 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 82

with that girl, and his mind of the San Tome Concession.
       He added that he would have to leave her for a few days to
       find an American, a man from San Francisco, who was still
       somewhere in Europe. A few months before he had made
       his  acquaintance  in  an  old  historic  German  town,  situat-
       ed in a mining district. The American had his womankind
       with him, but seemed lonely while they were sketching all
       day long the old doorways and the turreted corners of the
       mediaeval  houses.  Charles  Gould  had  with  him  the  in-
       separable companionship of the mine. The other man was
       interested in mining enterprises, knew something of Costa-
       guana, and was no stranger to the name of Gould. They had
       talked together with some intimacy which was made pos-
       sible by the difference of their ages. Charles wanted now to
       find that capitalist of shrewd mind and accessible character.
       His father’s fortune in Costaguana, which he had supposed
       to be still considerable, seemed to have melted in the ras-
       cally crucible of revolutions. Apart from some ten thousand
       pounds deposited in England, there appeared to be nothing
       left except the house in Sulaco, a vague right of forest ex-
       ploitation in a remote and savage district, and the San Tome
       Concession, which had attended his poor father to the very
       brink of the grave.
          He explained those things. It was late when they parted.
       She had never before given him such a fascinating vision
       of herself. All the eagerness of youth for a strange life, for
       great distances, for a future in which there was an air of
       adventure, of combat—a subtle thought of redress and con-
       quest, had filled her with an intense excitement, which she

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