Page 83 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 83

returned to the giver with a more open and exquisite dis-
           play of tenderness.
              He left her to walk down the hill, and directly he found
           himself  alone  he  became  sober.  That  irreparable  change
            a death makes in the course of our daily thoughts can be
           felt in a vague and poignant discomfort of mind. It hurt
           Charles Gould to feel that never more, by no effort of will,
           would he be able to think of his father in the same way he
           used to think of him when the poor man was alive. His
            breathing image was no longer in his power. This consid-
            eration, closely affecting his own identity, filled his breast
           with a mournful and angry desire for action. In this his in-
            stinct was unerring. Action is consolatory. It is the enemy
            of  thought  and  the  friend  of  flattering  illusions.  Only  in
           the conduct of our action can we find the sense of mastery
            over the Fates. For his action, the mine was obviously the
            only field. It was imperative sometimes to know how to dis-
            obey the solemn wishes of the dead. He resolved firmly to
           make his disobedience as thorough (by way of atonement)
            as it well could be. The mine had been the cause of an ab-
            surd moral disaster; its working must be made a serious and
           moral success. He owed it to the dead man’s memory. Such
           were the—properly speaking—emotions of Charles Gould.
           His thoughts ran upon the means of raising a large amount
            of capital in San Francisco or elsewhere; and incidentally
           there occurred to him also the general reflection that the
            counsel of the departed must be an unsound guide. Not one
            of them could be aware beforehand what enormous changes
           the death of any given individual may produce in the very

                                     Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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