Page 93 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 93

too remote, and she had not learned that they were desirable.
           On the other hand, she had not known anything of absolute
           want. Even the very poverty of her aunt, the Marchesa, had
           nothing intolerable to a refined mind; it seemed in accord
           with a great grief: it had the austerity of a sacrifice offered
           to a noble ideal. Thus even the most legitimate touch of ma-
           terialism was wanting in Mrs. Gould’s character. The dead
           man of whom she thought with tenderness (because he was
           Charley’s father) and with some impatience (because he had
            been weak), must be put completely in the wrong. Nothing
            else would do to keep their prosperity without a stain on its
            only real, on its immaterial side!
              Charles  Gould,  on  his  part,  had  been  obliged  to  keep
           the idea of wealth well to the fore; but he brought it for-
           ward as a means, not as an end. Unless the mine was good
            business it could not be touched. He had to insist on that
            aspect of the enterprise. It was his lever to move men who
           had capital. And Charles Gould believed in the mine. He
            knew everything that could be known of it. His faith in the
           mine was contagious, though it was not served by a great
            eloquence;  but  business  men  are  frequently  as  sanguine
            and imaginative as lovers. They are affected by a personal-
           ity much oftener than people would suppose; and Charles
           Gould, in his unshaken assurance, was absolutely convinc-
           ing. Besides, it was a matter of common knowledge to the
           men to whom he addressed himself that mining in Costa-
            guana was a game that could be made considably more than
           worth the candle. The men of affairs knew that very well.
           The real difficulty in touching it was elsewhere. Against that

                                     Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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