Page 99 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 99

bred  Englishmen,  but  all  born  in  the  country.  His  uncle
           went into politics, was the last Provincial President of Su-
            laco, and got shot after a battle. His father was a prominent
            business man in Sta. Marta, tried to keep clear of their poli-
           tics, and died ruined after a lot of revolutions. And that’s
           your Costaguana in a nutshell.’
              Of course, he was too great a man to be questioned as to
           his motives, even by his intimates. The outside world was at
            liberty to wonder respectfully at the hidden meaning of his
            actions. He was so great a man that his lavish patronage of
           the ‘purer forms of Christianity’ (which in its naive form of
            church-building amused Mrs. Gould) was looked upon by
           his fellow-citizens as the manifestation of a pious and hum-
            ble spirit. But in his own circles of the financial world the
           taking up of such a thing as the San Tome mine was regard-
            ed with respect, indeed, but rather as a subject for discreet
           jocularity.  It  was  a  great  man’s  caprice.  In  the  great  Hol-
           royd building (an enormous pile of iron, glass, and blocks
            of stone at the corner of two streets, cobwebbed aloft by the
           radiation of telegraph wires) the heads of principal depart-
           ments exchanged humorous glances, which meant that they
           were not let into the secrets of the San Tome business. The
           Costaguana mail (it was never large—one fairly heavy en-
           velope) was taken unopened straight into the great man’s
           room, and no instructions dealing with it had ever been
           issued thence. The office whispered that he answered per-
            sonally—and not by dictation either, but actually writing
           in his own hand, with pen and ink, and, it was to be sup-
           posed, taking a copy in his own private press copy-book,

                                     Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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