Page 274 - david-copperfield
P. 274

‘Oh! you know best, sir,’ I returned modestly.
         ‘I can’t be buyer and seller too,’ said Mr. Dolloby. ‘Put a
       price on this here little weskit.’
         ‘Would eighteenpence be?’- I hinted, after some hesita-
          Mr. Dolloby rolled it up again, and gave it me back. ‘I
       should rob my family,’ he said, ‘if I was to offer ninepence
       for it.’
         This  was  a  disagreeable  way  of  putting  the  business;
       because  it  imposed  upon  me,  a  perfect  stranger,  the  un-
       pleasantness of asking Mr. Dolloby to rob his family on my
       account. My circumstances being so very pressing, howev-
       er, I said I would take ninepence for it, if he pleased. Mr.
       Dolloby,  not  without  some  grumbling,  gave  ninepence.  I
       wished  him  good  night,  and  walked  out  of  the  shop  the
       richer by that sum, and the poorer by a waistcoat. But when
       I  buttoned  my  jacket,  that  was  not  much.  Indeed,  I  fore-
       saw pretty clearly that my jacket would go next, and that I
       should have to make the best of my way to Dover in a shirt
       and a pair of trousers, and might deem myself lucky if I got
       there even in that trim. But my mind did not run so much
       on this as might be supposed. Beyond a general impression
       of the distance before me, and of the young man with the
       donkey-cart having used me cruelly, I think I had no very
       urgent sense of my difficulties when I once again set off with
       my ninepence in my pocket.
         A plan had occurred to me for passing the night, which
       I was going to carry into execution. This was, to lie behind
       the wall at the back of my old school, in a corner where
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