Page 275 - david-copperfield
P. 275

there used to be a haystack. I imagined it would be a kind of
            company to have the boys, and the bedroom where I used to
           tell the stories, so near me: although the boys would know
           nothing of my being there, and the bedroom would yield
           me no shelter.
              I had had a hard day’s work, and was pretty well jaded
           when I came climbing out, at last, upon the level of Black-
           heath. It cost me some trouble to find out Salem House; but
           I found it, and I found a haystack in the corner, and I lay
            down by it; having first walked round the wall, and looked
           up at the windows, and seen that all was dark and silent
           within. Never shall I forget the lonely sensation of first lying
            down, without a roof above my head!
              Sleep came upon me as it came on many other outcasts,
            against  whom  house-doors  were  locked,  and  house-dogs
            barked,  that  night  -  and  I  dreamed  of  lying  on  my  old
            school-bed, talking to the boys in my room; and found my-
            self sitting upright, with Steerforth’s name upon my lips,
            looking wildly at the stars that were glistening and glim-
           mering above me. When I remembered where I was at that
           untimely hour, a feeling stole upon me that made me get up,
            afraid of I don’t know what, and walk about. But the fainter
            glimmering of the stars, and the pale light in the sky where
           the day was coming, reassured me: and my eyes being very
           heavy, I lay down again and slept - though with a knowl-
            edge in my sleep that it was cold - until the warm beams
            of the sun, and the ringing of the getting-up bell at Salem
           House, awoke me. If I could have hoped that Steerforth was
           there, I would have lurked about until he came out alone;

                                               David Copperfield
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