Page 3 - NewFlipbookSpecial Edition2plusvideo
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Further, if such an appointment hasn’t already been
made, National Council should determine who should
be the Acting Branch Secretary pending the return of
Jason Miners.
We say this with the caveat that National Council should
appoint on a temporary basis a Branch Executive
Advisory Team comprising of the current ‘elected’
The rank & file newsletter focused on Qld branch and officials of the Branch Executive. It is understood that
national MUA policy & direction. subject to medical approval Paul Petersen may return to
normal duties shortly. The selection of an advisory team
working alongside current elected officials, should
“Special Edition” June 7. 2021 include a recent official with the experience of office
BREAKING NEWS – Qld Branch administration and management. It should include
National Council to appoint the Deputy National
Comrades, some, or all may be aware Jason Miners as Secretary to liaise with this team to ensure its
Acting Branch Secretary of the Qld Branch was taken ill effectiveness.
and as far as we know, at this stage, off work for at least
two weeks. Members have not been officially informed This advisory team should operate on a temporary basis
who is relieving in the Branch as a replacement but is for a determined period and have all the powers of the
believed Aaron Johnson has taken up a role. Branch Executive as per Rule 26. The ‘team’ will be
required to meet on a regular basis as agreed.
We don’t know who the Acting Branch Secretary would Decisions made would be by universal consensus, with
now be or for how long. The report at the May BMM that the Deputy National Secretary assisting and supporting
‘extra resources’ were sought by the Branch, from the agreed consensus if this is possible, if not determine
National Office for an extra reliever but the Branch the best of alternative actions proposed and then the
reportedly, was knock-backed. They sought extra reliefs decisions becomes final and binding.
on the basis they were ‘snowed under with work’ two
official already off sick, and one unable to take any leave The essential function of the ‘team’ would be to assist in
after his relief position period was now 7 months. propelling the branch forward and how things can be
done better for the future. If this concept of a branch
Whatever short-term solution National Office may administration, even if temporary, is to be successful, it
consider will not solve this dysfunctional branch and will require great effort and compromise by ALL
continuing loss of confidence by R&F members in its concerned. For example, whoever is appointed Acting
leadership. It calls for a considered assessment with Branch Secretary in the interim, he would have to
brave and bold decisions by them, equally important is understand he does not have unfettered managerial
consultation and a say by the members of the Branch. control of the branch. He will need to work
collaboratively with the members of the ‘team’ and set
The ongoing crisis of management in the Branch is well aside any differences of opinion from the past.
known in Qld, National Branch’s, and National Office.
It’s been there since the leadership change in 2019 and If the proposal is taken up, it will contribute further to the
the many disastrous results since. Progress to a better advancement of the Union, directed as it should always
accountable and transparent Branch should be driven be in the best interests of the members. National Office,
by firstly conceding recognition of this problem in the Qld more particularly the National Council, will need to
Branch and with its Branch membership .. accept that a mixture of limited, management oversight
and a greater degree of devolved responsibility could
With that in mind, this is a proposition put by your R&F well provide the best possible means by which a very
Newsletter publishers. WE believe this is not the time for troubled and under-performing branch can emerge to
the a ‘business as usual’ selective method in decision finally play its part in the development of the union.
making, nor one where cronyism or patronage should
play a role in the interim or longer period. Nor should it Finally, the union will always do better in its decision-
be enacted by any central control by a few acting on the making in consultation with the membership. If the
National or remaining Qld Executive in controlling the concept is broadly endorsed amongst the leadership,
direction for the Qld Branch under these circumstances. there ought to be consultation with the Qld members by
an obvious calling of a Special Meeting for this purpose.
A proposition to National Council, Qld Branch
The publishers acknowledge the contribution of others
National Council should exercise its powers under Rule towards this article.
15(c)(viii) of the Divisional rules, to effectively place the
Qld Branch under ‘temporary’ national administration.