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    Late Update….Tuesday June 8 .                             Under normal protocols, it is the Branch Secretary
                                                              of  any  Branch  that  conducts  this  type  of
    After an initial posting of this Special Edition, the Qld   correspondence  between  its  Branch  members.  P.
    Assistant Branch Secretary, Paul Gallagher sent me an     Gallagher continues to display, in my view, a single
    email enquiring on who supplied the information and the   dictatorial manner in his correspondence to me, and
    accuracy of the Edition.  I will attach his enquiry and my   so the reason I replied in my manner below.
    reply. Members can make their own minds up.
                                                              My Reply…Paul, I acknowledge your email to me.
    Paul  Gallagher  had  previously  ‘led  with  his  chin’  in
    demands to know why I asserted normal membership          I do not intend to ‘inform’ you who advised me about
    rights while, as he said, “the Qld Branch had ‘suspended   Jason being off work. But I trust my waterfront sources,
    me for three months” His inaccurate view on the rules of   and I’m glad to hear he is okay.
    an appeal, was resoundingly rejected by Wendy Carr
    the National Office Legal officer, when she confirmed “I   As  for  ‘how  do  I  know  about  Paul  Petersen’s  return’
    still retained those rights until my pending Appeal” was   that’s  a  surmising  on  my  part,  based  entirely  on  you
    decided  upon.  One  wonders  why  he  would  make  a     saying to members at the May BMM that he was off sick
    similar ‘demand’ for information and again lead with his   for another 4 weeks.
                                                              Given that would be two weeks tomorrow, it’s obvious
    Note: P Gallagher, in emailing me, included all National   he  must  only  have  another  few  weeks  (or  shortly  as
    Officials and branches, on a Queensland Branch issue,     described) subject to a medical clearance. It’s called a
    in what I consider to be an attempt to ‘curry favour’ with   logical conclusion. You know 4 weeks less two weeks.?
                                                              After  all  and  as  you  requested,  the  business  of  the
    Re: Special Edition , self explanatory                    Branch employing Jackie Trad as a consultant, was not
                                                              meant  to  be  disclosed,  I  followed  that  advice,  even
    From: Paul Gallagher                                      though you said it publicly, and much to the disdain of
    Sent: Monday, 7 June 2021 12:45 PM                        the ex Cfmeu workers attending the same meeting.
    To: Mike Barber
    Cc: Paddy Crumlin; Warren Smith; Adrian Evans; Jamie      Perhaps  if  the  Branch  informed  the  members  they
    Newlyn; Will Tracey; Doug Heath; Jeff Cassar; George Gakis;   represent more fully on issues, rather than the ongoing
    Ian Bray; Jack McCabe; Paul Brett; Joel O'Brien; Glen     silence  when  seeking  honest,  and  reliable  answers,
    Williams; Dennis Outram; NNSW Branch Email Address;       myself and others on the waterfront would not need to
    Shane Stevens; David Ball; Robert Lumsden; Robert         revert  to  Chinese  whispers,  that  eventually  leads  to
    Patchett; MUA Victoria Branch Email Address; Jason        comments  by  the  publishers,  most  of  which  are  not
    Campbell; Alisha Bull; TAS Branch Email Address; Paul     denied.

    Keating; Paul Garrett; Nathan Donato; Brad Dunn; Shane    Again,   your    assertion   that   Jason   was    on
    Reside; Michael Cross; Scott Carter; Brett Larkin; Clem   ‘compassionate’ leave, differs from views I have heard
    Clothier; Campbell Duignan; Sth Aust Branch Email Account;   about   emergency   leave,   medical   leave   and
    Stephen Cumberlidge; Jason Miners; Paul Petersen; Dave    hospitalisation-MRI’s that purportedly took place,
    Lyon; MUA QLD Branch Email Address; Andy Burford;
    Thomas Mayor                                              And the fact that the Branch had/has appointed Aaron
    Subject: Re: Special Edition , self explanatory           Johnson  to  relieve  for  ‘two  weeks  would  appear  to
                                                              confirm that initial view that Jason was off on medical
    To Mike Barber                                            leave for that period.

    Can  you  inform  the  Queensland  branch  who  advised   Finally,  you  continue  to  press  me  for  answers,  how
    you Jason Miners was off ill? Also how do you know that   about  answering  when  the  branch,  as  agreed  at  my
    Paul Petersen is returning and when?                      hearing in January, is going to hear my charges against
                                                              you, that have been outstanding since August last year,
    For  your  information  Jason  has  had  compassionate    and my hope they will be as “vigorously” pursued, as
    leave  but  is  now  back.  The  Queensland  branch       those against myself were.  By the way, I do not take
    demands you redact your statements immediately as it      ‘instructions’ or demands from you.
    is false and misleading.
                                                              Mike Barber
    Regards                                                   6224
    Paul Gallagher
    Assistant Branch Secretary                                This newsletter is published by Mike Barber (6224) and Jeff Langdon
    MUA Queensland                                            (5266/1819)  on  behalf  of  the  Queensland  Branch  R&F  Collective.
                                                              Members wishing to receive Newsletter’s to their own email address,
                                                              send details to We hope also, for contributions
    Sent from my iPhone                                       and feedback in response to editions we publish.  Thanks Comrades
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