Page 4 - Newsletter#16vfinaledition_Neat
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New Rule 6A - Associate Membership

                                                              This new category of membership is open to any person
                                                              who is not usually engaged in an occupation referred to
                                                              in the union’s eligibility rule. Associate Members are not
                                                              entitled to hold Office, attend or vote at meetings, take
                                                              part in elections, or participate in any business of the

     The rank & file newsletter focused on Qld branch         Associate Members do not hold financial status or have
     and national MUA policy & direction.                     the  rights  of  a  financial  member  of  the  Division,
        Edition #16. August 16th. 2021                        associate membership contributions are determined by
                                                              Divisional  National  Council  and  lastly,  associate
                                                              members risk cancellation of their membership without
     Correction. Our last newsletter carried the first part   appeal if they seek to bring the union into disrepute or
     of our story on Larry Foley and his time at Kalmar.      involved in actions that seek to injure, vilify or reduce the
     We’re  gratified  a  number  of  readers  expressed      standing of the union in any fashion.
     appreciation for the story. We just need to make a
     couple  of  corrections.  First,  we  referred  to  John
     Shortis in Melbourne, when in fact we should have        The origins of this rather quaintly worded provision stem
     referred  to  Jason  Shortis  as  Larry  had  done.  Our   from an item put forward by the Queensland Branch for
     sincere  apologies  to  Jason  for  getting  his  name   consideration  at  the  2016  National  Conference,  the
     wrong. We also should have mentioned that when he        purpose  of  which,  was  to  “create  a  database  of
     commenced  work  with  Kalmar  in  November  2007,       supporters  of  this  union  and  activists  who  have
     Larry started at the Brisbane No. 7 Berth which was      supported  this  union’s  struggle  and  to  establish
     actually  a  DP  World  Berth  used  by  Patrick  to     community  unionism  associate  membership  for  those
     introduce automation. We expect to bring you Part 2      wishing to be involved in our campaigns and contribute
     of Larry’s story in the very near future.                to our plight for workers best interests.”

                                                              The new rule does not in any way represent the absolute
    RULE CHANGES…. BORING!!!!!!!?                             positivity  and  inspiration  inherent  within  the  proposal
                                                              advanced  by  the  Queensland  Branch  to  the  2016
    Our  front-page  story  in  this  edition  of  the  R&F   National Conference. Instead, members are left with a
    Newsletter concerns rule changes. For most members,       mere  dead  carcass  of  that  proposal,  full  of  negativity
    that’s  an  immediate  turn-off.  Who’s  interested  in  the   with  a  belt  and  braces  approach  to  ensuring  that
    bloody  rules?  Well,  actually,  union  officials  are  and   “associate members” have no role to play in the unions
    what’s  more,  the  more  senior  the  official,  the  more   business whatsoever.
    they’re interested in the rules because, ultimately, union
    rules  determine  the  way  in  which  power  is  exercised   A  full  perusal  of  the  2016  associate  membership
    within the union. And for you dear rank and file member,   proposition reveal it was never intended for the purpose
    that of itself, is a very good reason why you should be   of  having  the  same  status  as  financial  members  or
    interested as well.                                       otherwise interfere with the leadership role of officials.
                                                              However, the new rule 6A is so draconian in its terms –
    While  not  exclusively,  the  two  main  sources  enabling   that  an  associate  member  is  prevented  from
    rule changes to be considered, include the Quadrennial    participating in a community rally or picket for example,
    Divisional National Conference, the resolutions of which   organised by the union.
    may lead to consideration of rule changes, with the other
    being  the  Divisional  National  Council,  which  can  also   Well might it be asked, why on earth would anyone sign
    generate consideration of rule changes. For example,      up to such a position within the union, and, just by the
    we  reported  in  the  July  9   R&F  Newsletter,  National   way,  be  prepared  to  part  with  $100  a  year  for  the
    Council  proposes  to  change  the  rules  to  enable  two   privilege? The answer is obvious, not many!
    additional positions to be added to National Council.
                                                              So, what is this rule 6A really all about? For that you
    Members should always remain healthily sceptical when     have to look to the alterations to Rule 12  – Members
    it comes to proposed rule changes, particularly any that   Seeking  Leave  from  Occupation  –  many  containing
    impact  on  members  rights  and  obligations  or  those   provisions which do not relate to the heading for that
    impacting on the finances of the union for example. The   rule.
    most recent changes were approved at the union’s AGM
    processes in November 2020 and later, by decision of
    the Fair Work Commission 13 April 2021.

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